Palo Santo is Spanish for Holy Wood, and is one of nature’s awesome tools for raising vibrations, and purifying and cleansing your space.
Palo Santo has a wonderfully aromatic, woody smell with a hint of lemon and mint. It carries with it the ability to bring peace, calm and clarity to a situation or place.
Each Palo Santo measures approximately 4 inches in length
The Smudging Process:
- Set Your Intention: What kind of energy you want to surround yourself with and what you want to create and cultivate in your sanctuary.
- Once your intention is set, light the sage. Blow out the flame once the bundle starts smoking. You want to achieve a steady smolder.
- Begin the process by smudging yourself. Trail the smoke down your body and move through any room(s) you would like to smudge. Fan the smoke thoroughly through the space before eventually as you make your way through any rooms.
- Be sure to place the burning sage in a fireproof dish when done or when not in use.